At least five persons were booked on Sunday, on the charge of causing death by negligence, two days after a fire at a designated private COVID-19 hospital in Gujarat's Rajkot. According to the police statement, the probe into the incident has revealed violation of multiple norms by the hospital management. The accused included chairman, executive director, and other officials of Gokul Healthcare Pvt Limited which operates Uday Shivanand COVID Hospital, where the five deaths had occurred.
Three Golden Rules to Improve Scooter Safety By Mona Chiu The SFMTA has some exciting news for all who use the sidewalk in the city! Starting May 1, 2023, we'll be launching a new safety campaign to promote safe and responsible electric scooter use for both permitted scooter share devices and privately operated scooters. The campaign will focus on three key safety rules that every rider should keep in mind while riding: no sidewalk riding, no speeding and no double riding (two people riding one device). By educating riders about the dangers of sidewalk riding, unsafe speeding and riding, and improper parking, we hope to make the city safer for everyone. Sidewalk riding has been a major concern for pedestrians in San Francisco, and it's illegal to ride an electric scooter on the sidewalk. Electric scooters can travel at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour, which can be dangerous if riders aren't paying attention to their surroundings. The SFMTA's saf...
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